General conditions of sale

We invite you to carefully read all of these conditions of sale and use of the site www.sunesthetique.com
Acceptance of the Conditions of Sale and Use
Services offered by Sun Esthetics
Fees and Payment Methods
In case of canceled intervention
The risks and complications
Responsibility of Sun Esthétique in tourism matters
Liability of Sun Esthetics in Medical Matters
Modifications to the Conditions of Sale and Use
The ordering of services on the Site is reserved for users who have previously read and accepted, without reservation, all of the conditions of sale and use of the Site.
The services offered by Sun Esthetics are:
Online consultation and free personalized quotes
Surgeon's agreement in principle and preoperative assessment
Surgeon's final agreement
Reservation confirmation
Reception and transfer
Admission to the clinic
Preoperative consultation
Payment of your intervention
The surgical intervention
Post-operative care and Convalescence
Postoperative follow-up
Within 48 hours of receiving the quote/medical history form, you will receive your free personalized quote.
The invoice will be established according to the detailed estimate which you will have received, on the basis of the formula of stay chosen and according to the cost of the operation. If you wish to change the stay formula or access additional services, we will inform you of the amount and a second invoice will be established for the additional costs.
Payment of your bill will be made at the clinic. Payment can be made in cash or by bank transfer and in Euros.
Please note that your quote is valid for 1 year from the date it was sent to you.
If you do not have the surgery, you will be charged only the transfer fees, hotel accommodation fees and clinic accommodation fees (if any). Possible reasons for canceling an operation: you may change your mind, or the surgeon or anesthetist may refuse to operate on you if he considers, for example, that there is a risk to your health, or that the information you have given does not correspond to reality.
Any surgery involves risks that are always measured. Some risks are dependent on the surgeon and can be avoided thanks to his experience, his know-how and his seriousness. Other risks are independent of the surgeon and are specific to certain procedures. During your preoperative consultation, the surgeon or the anesthetist will detail any possible complications. During this preoperative consultation, it will be decided to carry out or refuse the intervention for the good of the patient.
Surgical guarantees:
In all the countries of the world, on the legal level the plastic surgeon has a contract of means not a contract of result. We can ask him for compensation in court if there is fault or a technical error on the part of the surgeon. However, it is up to the plaintiff to prove this error through a medical report.
If the result is not satisfactory but there is no medical error, the responsibility of the surgeon cannot be engaged nor any legal action.
In the case where a recovery or retouching proves necessary, the surgeon then sets the duration of the stay in Tunisia so that this recovery takes place in the best conditions. The surgeon's professional insurance covers the costs of this recovery (clinical costs, medication, intervention and any prostheses).
This guarantee only covers the patient and does not include air transport and the stay of your companion.
If the patient decides of his own free will to extend this stay beyond the period recommended by the surgeon, it is understood that the patient will pay for the additional nights at the hotel.
In the event of an unsatisfactory result:
The evaluation of the result will be made by photos. We ask you for your follow-up to send us 1 photo per month of the areas treated for 3 to 6 months depending on the intervention.
If at the end 3 to 6 months after the intervention, an essential period, because the final result takes several months and each patient recovers differently. If the result requires a touch-up, this will be taken care of by the surgeon and the clinic.
In the event of a dispute, arbitration will be done by a neutral surgeon chosen by the patient. This surgeon must be registered with the National Council of the Order of Physicians of the country in which he practices. After sending the report of his findings to the surgeon who operated on you.
Warranties do not apply under the following conditions:
Misrepresentation in the form request for a free consultation, particularly in terms of medical history.
Failure to comply with one of the conditions mentioned in your file: medical recommendations before the operation (smoking, prohibited drug intake, etc.), voluntary or involuntary interruption of postoperative stay, etc.
Non-compliance with post-operative medical recommendations made by the attending surgeon.
Subjective patient dissatisfaction.
Shells of breast prostheses: Shells are not considered as complications but as undesirable and imponderable effects.
Unless mandatory legal provisions to the contrary, Sun Esthetics can in no way be held liable in the event of fault attributable to a travel supplier or non-performance of the service resulting from your fault.
Our responsibility is limited to our services of organization and treatment of the files. The medical care you will receive during your stay is entirely and solely the responsibility of your attending physician and/or the clinic, which is subject to an insurance policy with an approved company.
Also, any post-surgical dispute must be established with the treating surgeon and his insurance company. We are not involved in any pre or post surgical litigation. Any dispute relating to your medical care will fall exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Tunisian courts.
Sun Esthetics reserves the right to modify or update these conditions of sale and Use of the Site, at any time, without notice. The version in force of these conditions of sale and Use of the Site is displayed on the Site from the date on which a modification takes effect.
The continuation of the use of the Site, after a modification of the conditions of sale and Use of the Site has occurred, constitutes your acceptance of this modification, it being understood that the version of the conditions of sale and use applicable to your reservation or purchase of travel product or service through the Site, is that in force on the day of this reservation or purchase.
The purpose of this site is to inform, it does not replace medical consultation. Personal information about visitors to this site, including their identity, is confidential. The person in charge of the site undertakes on his honor to respect the legal conditions of confidentiality and not to disclose this information to third parties. Sun Esthétique reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the content of its site.
All complaints should be directed to Sun by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within 30 days of the end of the trip that is the subject of the claim.
Address :
Last update: May 24, 2021
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