Dr. Faiza DHOUIB

Dr. Faiza DHOUIB
Council number of the order of doctors of Tunisia: 1448
Specialist in aesthetic plastic and reconstructive surgery
Certificate of in-depth specialized training in restorative and aesthetic plastic surgery Paris 7th
Interuniversity diploma in microsurgery Paris13th
Diploma in Head and Neck Surgical Anatomy Paris 5th
Professional experiences
Former resident in hand surgery and reconstructive surgery at Kassab Hospital
Former burn surgery resident at Aziza Othmana Hospital
Former resident in general surgery at La Rabta hospital
Former resident in maxillofacial surgery at the Rabta Tunis hospital
Former intern in restorative and aesthetic plastic surgery at the Rothschild hospital service of Professor Maurice Mimoun, Paris 12eme
Former intern in plastic surgery at the Saint Joseph hospital service of Professor Bellavoir in Paris
Full-time surgeon for 2 years at the Champs Elysees roundabout clinic in Paris
Surgeon assisting with Professor Marchak Daniel for a year in Paris
16emeCurrently installed in the private sector in Tunis for 13 years
Attached to the Rabta hospital in the general surgery department of Professor Sebai
Works in several clinics in Tunis
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