Dental surgery
Bariatric surgery
The techniques practiced in dental surgery in Tunisia
Each patient should be assessed individually. In the end, the most suitable treatment for the patient depends on various selection criteria carefully examined by specialists.
What is dental surgery?
Dental aesthetics includes all the techniques to have pretty teeth. Beautiful teeth are often the expression of a certain social status. In our society which privileges appearance, it is an essential asset to facilitate social and professional relations as well as to strengthen self-esteem.
The surgical phase of a dental implantation consists of dental surgery, osseointegration and finally placement on a dental implant.
During dental surgery, the dental surgeon will open the gums to integrate the implant into the alveolar bone. This operation is done under local anesthesia.
Contraindications to dental surgery
A patient concerned by one of the following problems will have to take this into account in relation to dental surgery for the placement of implants:
a transplant undergone in the past
immune deficiencies
a bone deficit in the jaw: following periodontitis for example.
risk of bleeding
heart problems
smoking: there is 7 times more risk of losing an implant in a smoker than in a non-smoker because the healing is less good
psychological problems: the patient must understand the stakes involved in placing an implant.