Risques De Complications | Sunesthetique
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Risks of complications

Risks of complications and adverse effects of cosmetic surgery.

No surgery is without risk. The patient's general condition, age, lifestyle and other factors influence the risks associated with an operation.

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Liposuction, abdominal lipectomy, rhinoplasty, facelift, breast surgery (prostheses or plastic surgery) are all surgical procedures that can lead to possible complications.

In general, serious complications occur only very rarely during anesthesia. Monitoring of essential functions allows the anesthesiologist to immediately detect any disturbance and treat it.

A distinction must be made between complications related to anesthesia and those related to surgery.

  1. With regard to anesthesia, during the consultation the anesthesiologist will himself inform the patient of the anesthetic risks.

  2. With regard to the surgical gesture, by choosing a qualified and competent Plastic Surgeon, trained in this type of intervention, you limit these risks as much as possible, without however eliminating them completely.


There are, however, risks:

  • Thromboembolic accidents (phlebitis, pulmonary embolism), although generally very rare after this type of intervention, are among the most formidable. Strict preventive measures must minimize the incidence: early rise, possibly anti-coagulant treatment.

  • The occurrence of an infection requires antibiotic treatment and sometimes surgical drainage.

  • A hematoma may require evacuation.

  • Skin necrosis, in fact rarely observed with modern techniques, may be responsible for delayed healing. A subsequent intervention will allow a gesture of reconstruction.

  • Alterations in sensitivity may be observed, but normal sensitivity most often reappears within 6 to 18 months.

  • The evolution of the scars can be unfavorable with the occurrence of hypertrophic or even keloid scars, of unpredictable appearance and evolution, which can compromise the aesthetic aspect of the result and require specific local treatments that are often long.

  • Disunity of the scar under the effect of a hematoma, infection or necrosis.

  • Asymmetry in the breasts and unpredictable evolution according to a large or hypertrophic mode of the scars. A surgical intervention makes it possible to improve this disadvantage. The evolution over time is difficult to predict because it depends on various completely personal factors such as skin elasticity, glandular tone and the individual reaction of each patient.


If most of the time, the consequences are simple, a complication can always occur. It is essential to maintain communication and keep in touch with your surgeon. The fact of having discussed this eventuality before, makes it possible to better understand it and live with it when it happens.

The use of a qualified Plastic Surgeon assures you of the training and competence required to know how to limit the risk of these complications, and to treat them effectively if necessary. Thus, because the practitioner and the patient have a common objective, a “touch-up” can prove to be useful, a decision taken by mutual agreement during a follow-up which must be regular and effective.

The content of this site does not replace any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Only a health professional is able to answer any question relating to your state of health or to issue a medical opinion, diagnosis or medical treatment. Do not hesitate to seek the advice of your doctor.

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